this is an independent, private but not terribly selective roleplay/meta blog for jabami yumeko from homura kawamoto’s 𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐢, as written by 𝒗𝒊𝒗𝒊.

Ravenous, Voracious!
Soul-Starved Mephistopheles!

* ♥︎ 𓈒 foreword. ⸺

it should go without saying that i am over thirty years old, and will not write with minors. 18+ is the absolute minimum, but even if you're as old as 21 i am still over a decade your senior. i say this as respectfully as possible: individuals younger than 25 are not in my age bracket and i cannot regard them as my peers. this is NOT to imply that i think less of you if you are younger; just that there is a disconnect in our experiences and possibly our priorities.i don't have a specific dni, but i do believe in common sense. if i think you suck, i'll just block you - simple. i find most pervasive fandom discourse to be reductive, but rest assured that i'm not a "taboo writer". however, i mind my own business unless circumstances are extenuating. trust me when i say you will be happier if you mind yours.

* ♥︎ 𓈒 content. ⸺

i cap and crop my own icons, buy my own chapters of the manga, make my own themes, my own psds, etc. i don’t use fanart in any of my blog assets. don’t take my stuff, and for that matter do not take from other creatives.

this blog is chock-full of spoilers. i cite and write meta on the manga often. these are tagged, but they’re there.

themes present may be reminiscent of addiction (yumeko is a ludomaniac), and some mildly existential talk related to the human condition… but generally, i expect this blog to pretty tame. i mainly write yumeko as post-canon, meaning that she technically has been ‘aged up’ to at least 19. this is not for nsfw purposes and i will not be writing such content.

* ♥︎ 𓈒 shipping. ⸺

yumeko isn’t really very “shippable” in the conventional sense - her priorities are too warped. and, in terms of the text, i think the only person she truly has the potential to “love” is mary. i’m tentatively open to shipping otherwise - granted the chemistry is present - but be aware that yumeko is innately quite ~weird~ and any meaningful dynamic she has with another character is far more likely to be “complicated but vaguely positive (question mark?)” than truly romantic.

* ♥︎ 𓈒 etiquette. ⸺

yumeko is very observant, so if you write/narrate any perceivable context clues, i'll probably use them. you are welcome to do the same. any consequential "big brain games" should be laid out between us as i will not have in-character events turn into an ooc battle of wit. standard etiquette regarding godmodding/metagaming/etc applies. you know ‘em.
when it comes to activity, i’m around when i feel like it. i don’t take tumblr rp very seriously, and i’m not bothered by things like reblog karma and whatnot. if you like a meme or a quote or something then you can reblog it so long as you’re reasonable about it (i.e. not rapidfire reblogging and flooding my activity).
i don't mind the (polite) presence of personal blogs. i don't care about reblog karma as long as you're not flooding my activity - which is broken half the time anyway so it doesn't really matter. reblog whatever memes and quotes you want, i won't lose sleep over it. just no touching in-character content with which you're not involved.

please softblock if you unfollow to avoid confusion. if i suspect it was a tumblr glitch (which will only cross my mind really if we were already on good terms) i may reach out to confirm, but just be straight with me in that event.

* ♥︎ 𓈒 writer. ⸺

i'm vivi! pronounced like the letter twice. i'm a bisexual cis thai woman and i'm stuck in the time loop of working for a software developer. i'm quite busy irl and have other interests/hobbies, and tumblr particular is not a 'main hobby', so i'm not always around. activity will be sporadic at best and pretty much exclusively 'when i feel like it'. this is a pressure-free space, so never feel obligated to any particular consistency or speed when interacting with me. we're all vibing here.

i drink a lot of tea and like cats a lot. i don't really like to put much of my business out in the open so i might come across as closed off, but i'm pretty laid back i prommy.

* ♥︎ 𓈒 basics. ⸺

NAME: jabami yumeko (蛇喰 夢子)
AGE: 19, ~21 ( verse dependent )
ETHNICITY: japanese
EYES: brown
HAIR: black, long hime-cut
HEIGHT: 5'5" ½
MORALITY: chaotic neutral
MBTI: estp
ATTRACTION: sapphic bi

* ♥︎ 𓈒 she-scourge ! ⸺

possessing the most unusual duality of a demure disposition and a sinister playfulness, jabami yumeko is characterized primarily by her high-roller, extreme personality. she appears to parse the human experience abnormally, being capable of valuing those around her yet acting brazenly nonchalant in their regards. as a result, she has been known to catalyze some manner of ruination for others as she tempts them into high-risk gambles. while there is nothing fake about her friendly demeanor, she has the uncanny ability to mean no harm while inflicting it, and feeling no remorse in doing so; this is perhaps her most noteworthy, and most unsettling, trait.yumeko understands humanity, but is incapable of empathy. her nature as a gambler renders her excessively gifted in reading other people, but her comprehension isn’t entirely dissimilar to what anyone else would glean from a textbook of any other subject. yumeko is unable to meaningfully relate to other people, and this disconnect from the human experience also lends itself to the unusual way she processes fear and anxiety – or even what can appear to be the complete absence of those ideas. this synergizes with her high-risk-high-return lifestyle, eventuating as her proclivities to compulsive gambling.yumeko is a thrill-seeker, a tendency that manifests primarily as her addiction to gambling. her favorite stakes are the highest of them; so high in fact that they often breach into the territory of the conceptual. her talent for reading people comes in handy in this regard, as she often does so for the sake of upping the ante. to yumeko, a game is too boring if something of great value isn’t in peril, which has led her to bet everything from several hundred-millions of yen, to her life, to the very concept of gambling. she seems to attribute the “fun” of a gamble to the equal risk all involved parties are put at; such is her obsession with hazardous games. yumeko’s compulsions, when she wins, often lead to massive loss for the other party, and her only admitted guilt for that is that she does not feel it.despite everything, though, yumeko is aware that she is rather “weird”, and for that reason has been shown to be genuinely surprised in the event that another person understands and plays along with her; moreover, she tends to get attached to these people. she’s also shown brief flashes of near-vulnerability when antagonized for those eccentricities, but generally takes it all stride.

default/nondescript. ⸺

this is a blanket ‘verse’ that covers both yumeko’s time at hyakkaou private academy and post-canon interactions/crossovers in which the foundation/backstory of her character remains in tact. i typically write yumeko as post-canon unless stated otherwise.this also includes interactions in “modern” settings in which there are supernatural/superhuman elements that are normally hidden from everyday society ( i.e. death note, bleach, yu yu hakusho ). these interactions are not tagged unless/until they become robust enough to be considered standalone, in which case they just become their own verse.

death note. ⸺

in which yumeko is on "team kira", so to speak. she is a college classmate of yagami light, and has a vested interest in the outcome of kira's path to godhood. she wins the knowledge of kira's identity in a gamble with light, and from there willingly becomes one of his assets - in the guise of his girlfriend - so that she may gain access to the allegorical "front row seat".it should be noted that she's rather "neutral" in regards to kira's morals and methodology, and similarly she doesn't feel particularly strongly one way or another for light. she simply views his undertaking as a gamble unto itself, with his humanity as the ante, and desires to see how it eventuates. yumeko is specifically affiliated namenoted in this verse.

my hero academia. ⸺

in which yumeko is neither hero nor villain, but some "other third thing" that is willing to benefit either-or at any given time. she is the proprietess of a gambling den of ambiguous legality, and her patrons can consist of any combination of civilians, villains, and a shadier variety of professional heroes. the former have no desire to be apprehended, and the latter would rather their reputations remain spick and span - for this reason, the gambling den itself is a de facto "neutral ground". no one is arrested, and no one's fame is besmirched by a gambling habit. here, all can indulge in their vices freely before they return to opposing each other by morning.of course, this only works out so long as these patrons lean towards the sketchy side. thus far this arrangement has been maintained due to any number of complications that would arise with the revelation of "gambling paragons", due to the country's laws regarding the practice.although it's likely that yumeko has overheard more than her fair share of gossip, she is not a snitch and will not outright betray anyone who frequents the den. however, she may be willing to part with nonspecific intel with those who can win it from her in a game.yumeko's quirk is called REROLL. it permits her to "reroll" phenomena for a chance to change the outcome of a given event - for example, a gun could misfire, or a thrown punch could simply miss. in practice, it can be thought of as a hard counter to quirks such as foresight, but it can only be activated once per 6 hours, and must be activated within 6 seconds of the phenomena to be "done over". yumeko cannot determine the new outcome, and there is always a possibility that it doesn't change. her eye color changes to red when reroll is in use.

path to nowhere. ⸺

under co. but basically - A-rank sinner, catalyst tendency, and heresy libram. her sinner ability is probably also reroll i cannae lie.